ASUU issues a release as the strike enters its sixteenth week
The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has given a release to refresh its individuals on the headway made up until this point.
The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has given a release to give its individuals the latest data in regards to the improvements that have occurred. Coming up next is a rundown of the main updates:

Our turn over strike is four months old at this point.
As the battle proceeds, individuals are lauded for their responsibility and faithfulness in the enthusiastic battle for the endurance of the University framework in our country.
Individuals are especially cheered for keeping confidence with the Union disregarding the difficulty forced on our families because of the stoppage of pay rates. You have offered the expression distinctly that we are not beggers and, accordingly, hunger is a feeble instrument to break our determination.
Our iron-cast resolve has constrained the public authority to plunk down and haggle with us. We have had five gatherings with Federal Government Team and two gatherings with Minister of Education.
The renegotiation of the 2009 understanding of ASUU-FGN arrangement is advancing without a hitch and has arrived at a high level stage. Be that as it may, we should stay centered to the furthest limit of this battle.
UTAS has been tried for the third time. Up to this point NITDA has tried UTAS and UPS and will begin testing IPPIS one week from now. We are unfazed by the joke of some administration authorities in this regard.
Obviously hunger, falsehood, mutilation of realities, terrorizing and other sundary demonstrations of arm-bending have neglected to break our purpose to date; they shouldn’t break us now.
Disregard counterfeit news and disruptive data exuding from the online entertainment and a part of the press. If all else fails over any issue, contact your Chairperson for right data.
We are at the edge of triumph. Allow us to keep confidence with the Union. A group joined can never be crushed.