After Jamb, What Next??

Following  after JAMB and pending POST-UTME, tremendous things should be taken into consideration while enduring the wait.

Discovering the JAMB cut-off score for your favored institution for the present year forms the first stride. This data will ascertain your eligibility for admission to the institution.

Ascertain the 2024 JAMB Cut-off Score for Your Institution

Determining the current year’s JAMB cut-off mark for your desired academic setting is the primary step. This datum will determine your likelihood of securing admission to the institution.


Acknowledge the departmental cut-off score for your program.

After viewing your JAMB results, the subsequent stride is to recognize the departmental cut-off score for the course you have chosen. Having knowledge of the departmental cut-off mark for your chosen program can aid you in evaluating the level of competition and your prospects of gaining admission. The standard is impacted by various aspects, such as prior cut-off scores, the performance of applicants for the same program as you, and the number of applications received.


Take into Consideration Changing Institutions or Degree Programs

In the event that your JAMB score does not meet the necessary standard, contemplate exploring alternate programs or colleges that have less stringent admission prerequisites. This adjustment may necessitate altering either your course or institution to accommodate your score. Employing this strategic maneuver enhances your possibility of being admitted.


Procure a screening or post-UTME application.

After contemplating your JAMB results, it is advisable to register for the post-UTME screening process.

You can periodically check the institution’s website or obtain information from an insider to stay abreast of updates. Kindly ensure to maintain regular contact, at minimum twice weekly, to remain informed about the commencement of the POST UTME screening at the institution. Upon availability, procure the post-UTME or screening application from your selected academic establishment and duly complete it. Neglecting to participate in this process might jeopardize your likelihood of gaining admission for the ensuing academic session.


Prepare for online screening or post-UTME assessments.

Subsequent to securing the post-UTME screening form, readiness for post-UTME assessments, or for online screening if your institution does not conduct aptitude evaluations, is paramount. Allocate time to adequately prepare for any mandatory post-UTME evaluations. Studies indicate that POST-UTME assessments are based on JAMB evaluations. Therefore, it is strongly recommended for students to utilize a dependable JAMB CBT Application to enhance their preparation. Thoroughly review at least a decade of subjects covered in the CBT exams to refresh your comprehension.


Anticipate the announcement of screening or post-UTME outcomes.

Await the declaration of results subsequent to the conclusion of the post-UTME or screening process. This phase of the admission procedure holds crucial significance.


Subsequently, anticipate the issuance of admission listings.

Following the conclusion of the screening process, patiently await the unveiling of admission lists by your preferred institution. Your academic trajectory and admission status hinge upon the contents of this listing.


Stay tuned!!!

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