How to apply for Kaduna BECE and BAICE exams

Registration for the 2025 Basic Arabic & Islamic Certificate Examination (BAICE) and Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) will open on January 1, 2025, and end on March 14, 2025, according to the Kaduna State Schools Quality Assurance Authority (KSSQAA).

Christiana Nuhu Buzun, the Deputy Director of the Education Resource Department, announced an official notification that included comprehensive instructions for private school applicants to register.

The announcement stated, “This notice informs the general public and private school proprietors and parents of candidates about the registration period for the 2025 BECE and BAICE.”


How to Register for BAICE & BECE

Registration for the 2025 Basic Arabic & Islamic Certificate Examination (BAICE) and Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) requires only three (3) steps

To register candidates, take the following steps below:

Step 1: Online Registration

  • Registration is done online, Click Here to register
  • Go to “Examinations,” pick BECE, and then from the drop-down menu, pick “Private.”
  • Enter your password and USERNAME (Login ID) from the prior year to log in.
  • To register a private candidate for the test, they must pay N5,000 for both the certificate and PINs.
  • Select the exam type, enter or examine the students’ C.A. results, and go to the Continuous Assessment Section (C.A.S.).
  • Before the registration deadline, manage student information, examine subject analyses, and make any revisions.


Step 2: Offline Registration

  • Students can be registered using the offline version.
  • To find out how to install the offline version, select the “Guidelines” menu item from the menu bar.

NB: The sidebar menu contains the offline version. Make sure that the number of candidates enrolled offline and the number of PINs requested online are equal. Before synchronizing the data online, buy extra PINs if more candidates have offline registrations.


Step 3: Activities After Registration

  • Download student photo albums and exam cards once registration is closed. The platform’s “Calendar” section will announce the download date.
  • For detailed instructions on all registration procedures, see the “Guidelines” menu.
  • Following the announcement of the exam results, use the “Gazette Request” option to request a gazette.


How to apply for Kaduna BECE and BAICE exams