Top 10 Most Competitive Courses in Nigerian Universities

Choosing a university course in Nigeria is a pivotal decision shaping one’s career trajectory. While numerous academic programs are available, specific fields have consistently attracted a disproportionate number of applicants, making admission highly competitive. This article ranks the top 10 most sought-after and challenging courses to gain entry into Nigerian universities.

1. Medicine and Surgery

Undeniably the most competitive course, Medicine and Surgery attracts top students due to the profession’s prestige and vital role in society. Limited medical schools and rigorous academic standards create a highly selective admission process.

2. Law

The allure of a successful legal career drives intense competition for law programs. Universities with renowned law faculties receive overwhelming applications, demanding exceptional academic records and critical thinking skills from applicants.

3. Pharmacy

The growing healthcare sector and limited pharmacy programs intensify competition for this course. Aspiring pharmacists must demonstrate a strong academic foundation and passion for the field to secure admission.

4. Dentistry and Dental Surgery

Similar to Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Surgery programs are highly competitive due to limited slots and a high demand for dental professionals.

5. Engineering (All Disciplines)

The nation’s infrastructural development fuels demand for engineers, making programs like Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, and Petroleum Engineering highly competitive. Strong mathematical and scientific abilities are essential for admission.

6. Computer Science

The digital age has surged demand for Computer Science graduates. Limited program availability and the allure of lucrative tech careers contribute to intense competition.

7. Biochemistry

Biochemistry’s relevance to medical and pharmaceutical fields attracts many applicants. Its interdisciplinary nature and limited program offerings make it highly competitive.

8. Accounting and Finance

The stability and career prospects in accounting and finance make these courses popular. The demand for skilled accountants and financial analysts creates a competitive admission landscape.

9. Nursing

The growing healthcare sector and diverse career opportunities in nursing contribute to its popularity. Limited nursing programs and a high demand for nurses make admission challenging.

10. Mass Communication

The media industry’s growth and potential for exciting careers attract students to mass communication. However, limited slots in top institutions create competition for aspiring media professionals.

Factors Influencing Competition

Several factors contribute to the competitiveness of these courses:

  1. Perceived lucrative careers: These fields promise high earning potential and social status.
  2. Limited program availability: A shortage of programs in some universities exacerbates competition.
  3. Increasing number of applicants: The growing population of university aspirants intensifies competition for popular courses.



Gaining admission to these top 10 competitive courses requires exceptional academic performance, dedication, and strategic planning. Students should explore alternative options or institutions if their preferred choice proves unattainable. While the journey is challenging, the rewards of succeeding in these fields are significant.

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