D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic Resumption Date for Commencement of second Semester 2021/2022 Academic Session

D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic resumption date for the initiation of the subsequent semester, 2021/2022 scholastic meeting.

The administration of the DS Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, Itori, Ogun Stat has reported the resumption date for the beginning of scholarly exercises for the subsequent semester, 2021/2022 scholastic meeting.

D.S. Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic Resumption Date
This is to educate the consensus regarding the Polytechnic Community ( Staff and Students) that the Ag. Minister, for the benefit of the Academic Board, has supported Monday, twentieth June 2022 as the resumption date for the second semester 2021/2022 Academic Session.

All scholarly exercises should start right away.

Considering the previous, understudies are thusly encouraged to guarantee that all enlistment conventions are taken truly and finished on time, as late enrollment might bring about serious punishments.

The administration wishes all understudies a fruitful scholastic year as they return to grounds for the subsequent semester.