How to Boost Your Concentration While Studying for Exams: Tips for Nigerian Students

With exams like JAMB, WAEC, NECO, and university tests around the corner, boosting concentration while studying is crucial for success.

However, staying focused can be challenging when there are so many distractions, from social media to household chores.

If you often find your mind wandering when you should be studying, this guide will help you develop the right habits for improved concentration.


5 Ways to Boost Your Concentration While Studying for Exam

Here are five tips to help you boost your focus and make your study sessions more effective:

1. Create a Study Schedule and Stick to It

A lack of structure often leads to poor concentration. To combat this, create a realistic study timetable that breaks down what you’ll study each day. Your schedule should:

  • Allocate specific times for each subject.
  • Include breaks to prevent burnout (the Pomodoro technique works well: 25 minutes of study followed by a 5-minute break).
  • Identify your peak productivity hours. If you’re more alert in the morning, prioritize difficult subjects during that time.

By sticking to a routine, your brain will become more accustomed to focusing during those set times.

2. Minimize Distractions

Distractions are the enemy of concentration. Here are practical ways to reduce them:

  • Turn off Notifications: Put your phone on silent or use apps like Focus@Will or Forest to help you stay off social media during study sessions.
  • Study in a Quiet Environment: If possible, find a quiet room or study space with minimal distractions. If you can’t find peace at home, consider a library or a quiet spot on campus.
  • Use Noise-Canceling Headphones: For those in noisy environments, wearing noise-canceling headphones or listening to white noise can help block out distractions.

Minimizing distractions allows you to give your undivided attention to the task at hand.

3. Practice Active Learning

Simply reading or highlighting your notes is often not enough to keep your mind engaged. Active learning techniques can help improve concentration and retention:

  • Summarize as You Read: Write down key points in your own words. This engages your brain in the material and keeps you from zoning out.
  • Teach What You Learn: Explain concepts aloud to yourself or a study partner as if you’re teaching the material. This reinforces your understanding and keeps your brain active.
  • Use Flashcards: Test yourself with flashcards. This is a great way to boost focus and retain information.

Active learning makes studying interactive, keeping you more focused and engaged with the material.

4. Take Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Studying for long periods without breaks leads to fatigue, and once your energy level drops, so does your concentration. To avoid this:

  • Take Regular Breaks: Use the Pomodoro Technique (study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break). After every four “Pomodoros,” take a longer 15-30 minute break.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can cause headaches and reduce your ability to focus. Keep a bottle of water nearby, and take small sips during breaks.
  • Get Fresh Air: During breaks, step outside for a few minutes. The fresh air and change of scenery will refresh your mind and prepare you for the next study session.

Breaks allow your brain to recharge, leading to better concentration when you return to studying.

5. Set Clear Goals for Each Study Session

Studying without clear goals can make your sessions feel overwhelming. Set specific and achievable goals for each study period to maintain focus:

  • Break Down Large Tasks: Instead of saying, “Study Chemistry,” break it into manageable chunks like “Study Organic Chemistry chapter on hydrocarbons.”
  • Use a To-Do List: Write down exactly what you want to achieve during your study time, whether it’s reviewing a particular chapter or solving 10 math problems. This gives you a clear focus.
  • Reward Yourself: Once you complete a task or session, reward yourself with something small, like a snack or a short break. This keeps you motivated and focused on reaching your next goal.

Setting small, achievable goals helps you track your progress and stay engaged with the material.

Bonus Tip: Prioritize Sleep and Healthy Habits

Lack of sleep can significantly reduce your concentration and ability to retain information. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night, especially during exam preparation.

Additionally, eat brain-boosting foods like nuts, fruits, and vegetables to keep your energy levels up and improve mental clarity.


Concentration is the key to effective studying.

By creating a study schedule, minimizing distractions, practicing active learning, taking regular breaks, and setting clear goals, you can greatly improve your focus and boost your academic performance.

Remember, success in exams is not just about hard work but also about smart work. Stay disciplined, and you’ll find yourself mastering your studies in no time!


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