Alternatives to Computer Science

In Nigeria, the field of computer science has long been considered a pathway to lucrative careers in technology and innovation. However, not every student may find computer science suitable or appealing. Fortunately, numerous alternative courses offer similar opportunities for growth and career prospects. Let’s delve into some viable alternatives to a computer science degree in Nigeria.

Exploring Alternatives to Computer Science Courses in NigeriaScore 300+ and above in your UTME exams using the Exam Scholars CBT app.

This app helps students achieve great scores in the  JAMB exams. The app consists of incredible features, such as mock mode, study mode, and practice mode. Also, the app gives answers and explanations to every question you come across in the app.

At ExamScholars, we believe in not just academic success but also in rewarding excellence. Over the years, we’ve witnessed countless success stories where students have soared to new heights using our 2024 JAMB CBT Practice App. From AyomideDaniyan’s extraordinary score of 353 to numerous students scoring 300 and above, the impact of our app is undeniable. This year, we’re taking it a step further by inviting schools to introduce our app to their students, and in return, they have the chance to win big!!


below are the alternatives to computer science in different Nigerian universities; they are listed below:

  • Information Technology (IT) Management

IT management specializes in the application of technology techniques and practices in an organization. This field involves the integration of business administration education and information technology, and it equips the graduates to take positions like IT project managers, systems analysts, and IT consultants. It is always observed that many universities in Nigeria provide speciality IT management programs that allow students to gain practical knowledge related to IT techniques and business management.


  • Software Engineering

Whereas computer science places much stress on theory and algorithms, software engineering is more methodical and pragmatic concerning software development. More and more Nigerian universities have started having specializations in software engineering, where necessary programming languages, methodologies for software development, and the management of software projects are learned. Careers that graduates can choose from include software developers, quality assurance engineers, or deviation operation specialists.


  • Cybersecurity

Due to the increased instances of threats in the cyber world, cybersecurity has become an important discipline. In Nigerian institutions today, it is now possible to find specialized degrees in cybersecurity, including network security, ethical hacking, and digital forensics. The employment opportunities include cybersecurity analysts, information security managers, and penetration testers for companies with digitized assets.

Exploring Alternatives to Computer Science Courses in NigeriaScore 300+ and above in your UTME exams using the Exam Scholars CBT app.

This app helps students achieve great scores in the  JAMB exams. The app consists of incredible features, such as mock mode, study mode, and practice mode. Also, the app gives answers and explanations to every question you come across in the app.

At ExamScholars, we believe in not just academic success but also in rewarding excellence. Over the years, we’ve witnessed countless success stories where students have soared to new heights using our 2024 JAMB CBT Practice App. From AyomideDaniyan’s extraordinary score of 353 to numerous students scoring 300 and above, the impact of our app is undeniable. This year, we’re taking it a step further by inviting schools to introduce our app to their students, and in return, they have the chance to win big!!



  • Data Science

Data science entails the analysis of big data through computation and statistics in a bid to gain new knowledge. Currently, more and more Nigerian universities are beginning to establish data science degrees wherein the students will be trained in data analysis, machine learning, and big data technologies. Data scientists are one of the hot skill sets that are needed in various fields, such as finance, medicine, and online shopping.


  • Information Systems

Information systems (IS) as a discipline is concerned with the role of technology, people, and organizations. These universities have established different IS programs, which encompass areas like database management, business analytics, and ERP systems. Potential jobs that graduates can take include business analyst, IT consultant, and systems analyst.


  • Digital marketing and communications

Thus, in the modern context of digital tools, people are needed who are capable of using information technologies to promote and advertise goods, as well as ensuring the proper organization of communication within business. Nigerian universities have introduced faculties in digital marketing and communications that include social media management, SEO, and content marketing. There are prospects of employment for graduates in areas such as digital marketing strategist, social media manager, or digital content producer.


  • Telecommunications Engineering

The design, development, and administration of communication networks and systems are all part of telecommunications engineering. Network design, wireless technology, and telecommunications fundamentals are all included in the telecommunications engineering degrees offered by Nigerian colleges. Graduates can work for internet service providers (ISPs), telecom companies, or government agencies involved in communication infrastructure.



Although many students still choose computer science, there are many more options in Nigeria, so students with different interests and goals for their careers can still find a path that fits in with technology and innovation. There are many opportunities in managing IT systems, protecting digital assets, analyzing large data, and improving digital communications.

Nigerian universities constantly adapt their courses to meet the evolving demands of the technology industry, providing students with practical skills and prosperous job options. As the digital landscape expands, these choices will become increasingly significant in deciding the composition of Nigeria’s workforce in the future, both within and outside the technology sector.


Exploring Alternatives to Computer Science Courses in NigeriaScore 300+ and above in your UTME exams using the Exam Scholars CBT app.

This app helps students achieve great scores in the  JAMB exams. The app consists of incredible features, such as mock mode, study mode, and practice mode. Also, the app gives answers and explanations to every question you come across in the app.

At ExamScholars, we believe in not just academic success but also in rewarding excellence. Over the years, we’ve witnessed countless success stories where students have soared to new heights using our 2024 JAMB CBT Practice App. From AyomideDaniyan’s extraordinary score of 353 to numerous students scoring 300 and above, the impact of our app is undeniable. This year, we’re taking it a step further by inviting schools to introduce our app to their students, and in return, they have the chance to win big!!