How to Make Good Friends in School

Making friends in school is an important part of growing up.

Good friends are there to share laughter, help through tough times, and create lasting memories. But for many students, the idea of making new friends can be a bit challenging.

Whether you’re starting a new school or just looking to expand your circle, here are some tips on how to make good friends in school.


How to Make Good Friends in School

To make good friends in school is not hard but easy if you learn the basics. They are:

  1. Be Yourself

The first step to make good friends is being true to who you are. Pretending to be someone you’re not might attract friends, but they may not be the right friends for you.

When you’re genuine, you’ll naturally connect with people who appreciate you for who you are.

Tip: Don’t feel pressured to change your likes, dislikes, or personality to fit in. People who like you for the real you will become true friends.


  1. Be Open and Approachable

Sometimes, to make good friends is about letting others know you’re open to friendships. Smile, make eye contact, and don’t be afraid to start a conversation. Being approachable means that others will feel more comfortable reaching out to you.

Tip: A friendly smile can go a long way! Even if you’re shy, a small act like smiling can invite others to engage with you.


  1. Find Common Interests

A great way to make good friends is by bonding over shared interests. Whether it’s sports, music, books, or a hobby, common ground can spark conversations and create a foundation for friendship.

Tip: Join a club or extracurricular activity that interests you. It’s easier to make friends with people who enjoy the same things you do.


  1. Start Conversations

To make good friends, you don’t need to wait for others to approach you; sometimes, all it takes is a simple conversation starter. Complimenting someone’s backpack, asking about homework, or discussing a school event can break the ice.

Tip: Start with something light and casual. “Hey, did you understand the homework from math class?” or “I like your shoes!” are easy conversation starters.


  1. Be a Good Listener

Being a good listener is just as important as talking when building friendships. Show interest in what the other person has to say and ask follow-up questions. This makes the other person feel valued and heard.

Tip: Pay attention to what your classmates talk about and show genuine interest in their stories or opinions.


  1. Be Kind and Respectful

Kindness goes a long way when making friends. People are naturally drawn to those who are kind, caring, and respectful. Be supportive of others and help when you can. Simple acts of kindness can leave a lasting impression.

Tip: Offering to help someone with schoolwork or sitting with someone who seems lonely can be the beginning of a strong friendship.


  1. Be Patient

Friendships take time to grow, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t make a best friend overnight. Be patient, and give relationships time to develop naturally. It’s okay if friendships don’t happen immediately.

Tip: Keep putting yourself out there. The right friendships will form with time as long as you remain open and consistent.


  1. Include Others

Don’t hesitate to invite people to hang out or join your group. Including others in your plans shows that you’re open to new friendships and can create a bond between you and the people you invite.

Tip: If you’re organizing a study group or a hangout after school, invite classmates you’d like to get to know better. They’ll appreciate the gesture!


  1. Handle Conflicts Calmly

No friendship is perfect, and sometimes misunderstandings or disagreements happen. When they do, try to resolve issues calmly and respectfully. Good friends can talk things through and move forward.

Tip: If you have a disagreement with a friend, talk about it openly and respectfully. Clear communication helps build stronger, more trusting friendships.


  1. Stay Positive

Positive energy is contagious! People enjoy being around others who are upbeat and positive. Focus on the good things in school, and try to maintain a positive attitude, even when things get tough.

Tip: Encourage others, celebrate their achievements, and keep a cheerful attitude. Positivity draws people toward you.



To make good friends in school may seem daunting at first, but with a bit of effort, openness, and patience, it can become a fun and rewarding experience.

Remember, friendships are about mutual trust, respect, and support. Be kind, stay true to yourself, and be open to new experiences.

The right friends will come your way, and together, you’ll create unforgettable memories that will last well beyond your school years.


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