7 things you ought to be familiar with the new Nigerian Army University
The Nigerian Army University is projected to rival probably the best Universities on the planet in the following 32 years.
The establishment tries to turn into a main University in Nigeria and a focal point of greatness leading logical and mechanical leap forwards.

The new University, consequently, presents a chance for confirmation searchers who are keen on concentrating on security related courses.

The following are five fundamental data you ought to be aware of the new foundation.
1. The University’s center is to reinforce the Nigerian Army and the country through sound and imaginative purposes of science and innovation.

2. As indicated by the University, the understudies’ populace will include 25% military and 75% regular citizen, while the staff will be a useful blend of military and regular citizen scholarly people.

3. The Nigerian Army University is situated in Biu, a town and a Local Government Area (LGA) in southern Borno State. It possesses an area of 5074 hectares.

4. The NAUB is laid out to run on the standards of inventiveness, independence and independence.

5. The University is projected that this extraordinary organization will rival the absolute best 50 on the planet by 2050.

6. Aside from running a few courses, you’ll find in traditional colleges, there will likewise be a Faculty of Military Technology

furthermore, a Faculty of Military Policy, Logistics and Strategy to separate it.

7. The University has seven resources, they are: Science, Technology, Military Technology, Social Sciences, Environmental Studies, Administrative and Management Studies, Military Policy, Logistics and Strategies, as well as Schools and Centers.