Bowen University Teaching Hospital (BUTH) School Of Nursing Entrance Examination Result for 2022/2023 Academic Session

The aftereffects of the relative multitude of applicants that partook in the Bowen University Teaching Hospital (BUTH) School Of Nursing Entrance Examination during the 2022/2023 scholastic meeting have been delivered. Perceive how to check the BUTH School Of Nursing Entrance Exam result beneath.

This is to advise every one of the competitors that partook in the Bowen University Teaching Hospital (officially Baptist Medical Center), Ogbomoso, Oyo, School of Nursing placement test directed on June 11, 2022, that they can now really take a look at their outcomes.

BUTH school of nursing selection test results have been effectively transferred on the web.

Instructions to Check BUTH School Of Nursing Entrance Exam Result
Go to BUTH school of nursing gateway at
Supply your email address and secret phrase in the expected sections.
At long last, click on Login to get to your outcomes.
The meeting for every one of the fruitful candidates holds from fifth to seventh July 2022.

On the entryway, print two duplicates of your outcome and a duplicate of your meeting letter just for the people who meet the base passing score.

**** For ANY Issue(s) send letters to or Call Web Admin (WhatsApp): 08035551849 — – Strictly just from Monday to Friday (8am – 4pm)
**** Or then again send letters to (School Management)