The 2024 Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge aims to harness the power of technology and innovation to address critical infrastructure challenges in Nigeria.

Participants will collaborate in teams to create innovative digital maps of one Nigerian state, highlighting critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, roads, and utilities.

These maps will provide insights that can drive sustainable development across Nigeria.

What is the NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge?

The NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge is a national competition aimed at encouraging innovative solutions that address key infrastructural challenges faced by Nigeria.

This challenge invites participants to develop and propose digital solutions that can enhance various aspects of the country’s infrastructure, including transportation, energy, water resources, and urban planning.

Aim of the Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge:

To generate comprehensive, data-driven digital maps for Nigeria’s 36 states including the FCT, focusing on critical infrastructure to enhance decision-making and development planning.


What Participants Will Do:

Participants will work in teams to:

  • Identify critical infrastructure (from selected innovation challenge focus areas) in their respective states.
  • Use mapping and visualization tools to create detailed, interactive digital maps.
  • Present the findings in a way that tells a compelling story about the infrastructure needs and opportunities in their state.
  • Submit their final project as a URL to a digital map that showcases the identified infrastructure and insights.


Focus Areas for Mapping

Teams will select at least one key area to focus on for their digital map, from the following categories:

  • Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and health centers.
  • Education: Schools, colleges, and universities.
  • Transportation: Roads, bridges, and public transit.
  • Utilities: Water supply, electricity, and waste management.
  • Public Services: Police stations, fire stations, post offices, and government offices.

Eligibility For Participation

  • Nigerian Citizenship: All participants must be Nigerian citizens with a valid means of identification (National ID, Voter’s Card, International Passport, or Driver’s License).
  • Age Limit: Participants must be 18 years and above at the time of registration to ensure legal participation and commitment.
  • Team Composition: Teams must consist of 2 – 5 members, with a mix of technical and non-technical backgrounds, to encourage diverse problem-solving approaches.

Participants must join as part of a team; individual entries will not be accepted

  • State Representation: Each team must represent a specific Nigerian state. Participants should have a good understanding of the state they represent – either through residency, work, or academic study.
  • Data Sources: Participants should use open data sources or gather data through ethical means. Use of proprietary or restricted data may result in disqualification unless permissions are obtained.
  • Compliance with Rules: Participants must adhere to all Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge rules and regulations, including ethical conduct in data sourcing, and must not violate intellectual property rights or use unauthorized resources.

How to Participate

Participation in the NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge involves several key steps:

  1. Registration: Interested participants must register through the official NITDA portal. Ensure you provide accurate information and adhere to the registration deadlines.
  2. Submission of Proposals: After registration, participants are required to submit their innovative proposals. These proposals should detail the digital solution, its potential impact, and how it addresses specific infrastructural challenges.
  3. Evaluation: Submitted proposals will be evaluated by a panel of experts based on criteria such as innovation, feasibility, scalability, and potential impact. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their solutions.
  4. Presentation and Selection: Finalists will have the opportunity to present their solutions to the judging panel. Winning proposals will be selected based on their potential to transform Nigeria’s infrastructure.

Benefits of Participating

  • Recognition and Exposure: Winners and top performers will gain recognition and exposure within the tech and innovation community. This visibility can open doors to further opportunities and collaborations.
  • Funding and Support: Successful participants may receive funding, mentorship, and support from NITDA and its partners to help bring their solutions to fruition.
  • Impact on National Development: By contributing innovative solutions, participants play a crucial role in addressing infrastructure challenges and supporting Nigeria’s development goals.

The Impact of the Challenge

The NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge has the potential to drive significant advancements in Nigeria’s infrastructure sector.

By leveraging digital technologies and encouraging innovative thinking, the challenge aligns with Nigeria’s vision of becoming a leading digital economy.

The solutions developed through this challenge can lead to more efficient infrastructure management, improved service delivery, and enhanced quality of life for Nigerians.

Additionally, this initiative reflects NITDA’s commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and technological advancement.


The NITDA Digital Nigeria Innovation Challenge is more than just a competition; it’s a call to action for Nigeria’s brightest minds to contribute to the country’s infrastructure transformation.

As Nigeria continues to evolve in the digital age, initiatives like this challenge are essential for driving progress and achieving sustainable development.

If you have a ground breaking idea or innovative solution, this is your chance to make a lasting impact on Nigeria’s future. Join the challenge, and be a part of the movement to transform Nigeria’s infrastructure landscape!