1. Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready

Self-confidence is an important factor in achieving success. Preparation is a critical component of self-assurance. Prepare your mind by clearing every distraction from your mind, praying, taking a deep breath, and relaxing. Allow your mindset to be compared to that of a victor.

Set goals for the grades you want in each subject, taking into account your strengths and weaknesses. Begin productive work in accordance with your objectives. Early preparation yields the best results, but it’s never too late to start. They say procrastination is the thief of time. Prepare yourself right now!

Collect high-quality textbooks and relevant materials.

Invest now for a better future. Fight for quality over quantity and you’ll be a qualifier in any field. Understand the JAMB UTME 2022 syllabus, Subject Combination, and textbooks that correspond to it. JAMB also recommends certain books, so do your best to obtain them.

However, it is not only textbooks that are required for study. Purchase a high-quality notebook, jotter, calculator (optional), and other necessary stationery. Your textbooks must be comprehensive and self-explanatory, with illustrations and so on. Remember to strive for excellence!

3. Make a game plan
The JAMB UTME 2022 is a very important exam. As a result, studying for it must be taken seriously. As a result, developing a strategy is essential. What do you plan on doing? What to read, when to read, and where to read are all important considerations. All of this must be incorporated into what I refer to as a ‘Study Guide.’

Personally, I cannot assimilate subjects involving numbers in the absence of music or noise, whereas other subjects must be read in quiet environments. We know ourselves, and if you haven’t already, learn about yourself now! Create a study guide with your knowledge of yourself in mind.

4. Study hard and have fun with your game.

Yes! The ‘Study Guide’ is now organized. It is now time to put the plan into action. Studying is an act of reading carefully with the intent of remembering, so it is not the same as reading those broadcast messages on social media. Set your study goals and objectives; they will help to strengthen you and serve as a reminder when you are tired.

Also, keep your jotter nearby, jot down important points, and don’t assume it’s already up there. Make certain you fully comprehend. Serve as your own teacher, and use mnemonics to help you remember. Now comes the fun part. Don’t overstress your brain; take a break when it gets boring and go for a walk, a cool drink, surf the web, play a game, or just go for a walk. Then return to your books and watch the real game.

5. Improve your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses
My sister, my brother, it’s past time for us to stop deceiving ourselves; we know what we know, and vice versa. Stop avoiding topics because they appear incomprehensible, and stop devoting fewer hours to subjects that appear incomprehensible. Because it is difficult to disintegrate, try twice as hard.

It’s past time for my sister and I to stop deceiving ourselves; we know what we know, and vice versa. Stop avoiding topics that appear to be incomprehensible, and stop devoting fewer hours to subjects that appear to be incomprehensible. Because disintegration is difficult, try twice as hard.

6. Make good use of previous questions.
In your current state, seek the past, gain knowledge, and, bam! You have a bright future ahead of you. I tell you, if you’ve never skimmed through any previous questions, you’re not prepared at all. Now, if you just skimmed through without studying or answering the questions, you’re still behind.

When I say’studying,’ I mean comprehending the ethics underlying JAMB’s method of questioning, solving, noting corrections, and highlighting recurring questions. I would recommend that you cover at least eight previous years of past questions in each of your subjects.

7. Make contact with people who share your interests.
What follows you is determined by the company you keep. Throughout your JAMB UTME preparation, weed out anyone who adds no value to your life.

To pass the jamb utme 2022, you must join a group of ‘Jambites’ who have the same goal as you, specifically the same subjects, and make sure they aren’t dummies unless you’re ready to help, but first help yourself. Seek advice from those who have passed the UTME with flying colors.

8. Familiarize yourself with CBT.

Given that the JAMB UTME 2022 will be entirely a ‘Computer Based Test’ (CBT), I urge you to make concerted efforts to become acquainted with the CBT environment. Whether you’re computer literate or not, there’s no need to be concerned because JAMB has made it simple to be apprehended.

It’s as simple as texting your Registration number on the keyboard. The only thing left is to use the mouse’s left button to check your answers.
There is also JAMB CBT Software that you can use to practice. I recommend Eduregard JAMB CBT Software for Android and PC.

NB: Before entering your registration number, make sure the mouse is working properly by navigating the cursor around the screen. If it isn’t working, quickly request assistance from the officials nearby.

9. Keep up to date

Never assume you understand what is going on; you don’t. We live in a time when information is highly visible and dynamic. Dates are abruptly changed by JAMB officials. Keep up to date and never miss a beat.

10. Put God First The tips and hacks on how to pass the jamb utme 2022 will be useless if you ignore prayers. It’s funny how I put this at number 10, but if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice I mentioned ‘pray’ in number 1.

This implies that prayer is an important part of your preparation. Regardless of your religion, the importance of a place of prayer cannot be overstated. Remember that not only praying, but also believing and striving for righteousness, will help you focus.

Those sinful habits must be broken, especially during this period, because all they do is rob you of your time. Imagine if you invested half the time you spend on those immoral acts on your books, and see how much you gain… In essence, I’m saying try to stay consecrated so that your heart desires are granted. The master key is prayer with the proper approach.

These ten suggestions are based on three key points (P’s).

I Planning (ii) Pursuit (iii) Preparation

Keep those keys in mind, use them, and never let them fall off your left hand, and I guarantee you a 300+ score in this year’s JAMB UTME 2022.

These secrets tips on how to pass the jamb utme 2022 will only be possible if you put forth your best effort. Avoid frivolities and lax attitudes, and smash this jamb once and for all.
